Hello, I'm
Passionately Curious, Worst of the Band
Some things about me:
My name is Han Zhou and I am currently enrolled in Computer Science of the University of Waterloo. I chose this because I possess tremendous passion, enthusiasm and curiosity regarding the uncertain future, to which I spectate as a mirage of the development of technology. For this, I remain humble and ambitious.
Virtually all areas of Computer Science interests me (particularly that of AI and VR). Exploring and familiarizing myself with these areas is my current pursuit.
I enjoy being the worst guy in the band (music reference). In that way I can achieve the most improvement. Seriously, I love being finessed intellectualy (something I feel on a daily basis in UWaterloo ;)). I understand that growth is achieved one small step at a time.
Besides school, I enjoy reading, playing soccer, playing guitar and playing the piano. My dream is to wonder in Norway with nothing but a bike, a guitar and a dog.